Friday, November 15, 2013

Return of the Tests!

The test grades are out!

Here is what we did today (11/14/13)

  • Got back the tests
  • Went over any questions needed
  • Discovered some fantastic failures

Mrs. Friedmann handed out the tests today, and stating that there was an unexpected amount of great failures. Each student had a chance to ask about a question, row by row. We clarified Net Ionic Equations and the limiting reaction equation on the free response. Mrs. Friedmann also said that any students who put A for question 14 would get the point since it was unclear what the actual answer was. That raised some of the students grades up.


Since the day was full of review of the test there wasn't much to write about. Mrs. Friedmann assigned a ChemThink along with notes that are due tomorrow. You were also supposed to watch the Youtube Video of Mr. Arum Majumdar as he will be coming to speak with us next Thurdsay. You are to write a question on a notecard to him, addressed with your name, Mrs. Friedmann's name, and with your period (5). 

If you cant find the video on moodle here it is:

Best wishes to Mrs. Friedmann and her mom!

I will be doing tomorrow's blog as well.

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