Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Test Review!


Today we basically reviewed for the test that is happening tomorrow. We received our quizzes back and Mrs. Friedmann reviewed the concept of ions losing and gaining electrons.

- we got back the quizes we took a long time ago
- the test review packet was NOT graded. Its purpose was to inform you about what you needed to review for the teast

Losing and gaining...
- We also discussed how ions gain and loose electrons to achieve a perfect octet
             - a octet is when the highest energy levels of an ion have 8 electrons as a total
                 -EX: Iodine has a -1 charge because it gains an electron to have a perfect octet
                           - it could also be though as the ions want to achieve the same number of electrons as the noble gas that is closest to them have. For example, the most close noble gas to iodine is Xenon with 54 electrons, so Iodine with 53 electrons gains 1 electron to have 54 electrons, since it is easier to gain 1 than lose 18 to match Krypton with 36 electrons.

- answer key to review packet is posted. Study hard!
- No review session tomorrow!


next blogger is... Jordan C.

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