Monday, May 12, 2014

Voltaic Cells

May 12, 2014

We started class of by NOT turning in our take-home quizzes.  Instead of turning all of our work in, Mrs. Friedmann simply has us write down our answers to certain problems on a half sheet of paper so that it's easier for her to grade.

Mrs. Friedmann also explained the extra work that is now available to help boost your last test score. All you have to do is complete the WebAssign named Redox Quiz.  This assignment is due Wednesday night at 11:59.  The overall assignment is worth 10 points, and how it works is whatever you get on the WebAssign will then be added to your raw test score.  So, for example, if you got a 65/80 on your test and an 8/10 on the WebAssign, your new test score would be a 73/80.  Since this assignment can do nothing but help our grades, Mrs. Friedmann recommends that we all give it a try!

In class we started to learn about voltaic (galvanic) cells. We picked up a packet in the beginning of class and used that to take notes, so if you were absent make sure to print it out from the handouts folder! The notes aren't posted, but make sure to copy mine down if you don't have them written down.  We also used several colors to take notes with as an easy way to distinguish between reductions and oxidations.

1. Complete the top section of page 1 of the packet.  Make sure to show your work in your journal and write your final answer in the space provided on the packet.
2. Complete page 2 of the packet
3. Start on your WebAssigns! We have one due tomorrow night as well as one due Wednesday night.

The next blogger is... Elyana M.

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