Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Introduction to ChemThink & Paper Clip Activity

8.28.13 Scribe Post Author: Ekene N.

8.27.13 Homework Check

In the beginning of class, Mrs. Friedmann checked everyone's homework from last night. The correct answer to the assignment was:
"HETEROGENEOUS MIXTURE." Your explanation should have been close to at least one of the following:
  • Not all parts of the taco salad mixture would have contained the same overall makeup, therefore the salad is a is a heterogeneous mixture.
  • One part of the taco salad will have different contents than another part.
  • In one part of the salad, there may be more of one single ingredient (ex: shredded cheese) than in another part of the salad.
Taco is perfectly normal if you are 
currently craving some taco salad right now :)

Introduction to ChemThink

Today, we registered for an online program called ChemThink. If you were absent, we received a handout that obtains the instructions that will guide you through the process of registering for this website.You can access a copy of the handout by clicking the link below. (If the link doesn't work, go on Moodle...Unit 1 Handouts...8.28_ChemThink_Registration_Directions.pdf)

*NOTE: The code you need to create your own account is valid until September 11. Again, if you were absent, try to access the pdf with the instructions ASAP.

Paper Clip Activity

For the majority of class, we did an activity that involved paper clips, which are in fact the newest elements that were just discovered yesterday ;) . The paper clips represented different atoms. If you were absent today, you are responsible for printing out the activity on Moodle (under Unit 1 Labs & Activities) and completing it on your own.

    A Couple Notes to Consider about the Activity:
  • Molecules= clumps of atoms (they could be the same atoms or different ones)
  • One paper clip hooked to another paper clip= chemically combined atoms
  • If there is a plus sign found in the formula of sample=  physically combined atoms & mixture
  • The coefficient in front of a sample (ex: 2Sm2), is the number of molecules.
  • The subscript [ex: Sm(3)], is the number of atoms

  •  Read sections 1.1 and 1.2 in your textbook.  WebAssigns 1.1 and 1.2 are due tonight by 11:59 pm.
  • Log onto ChemThink and complete the Particulate Nature of Matter tutorial AND quiz.  As you complete the tutorial, take notes in your journal.  Due tonight by 11:59 pm.

  •  Particulate Nature of Matter worksheet (in the Unit 1 Handouts folder).  Due tomorrow.
*NOTE ABOUT HW: Mrs. Friedmann said that the homework assigned for tonight may seem heavy in voluminous terms. However, the homework assigned for tonight is not heavy in content because the concepts in the homework aren't as challenging. Make sure to get the web assignments in before 11:59!

Other Important Information
  • It is important to make sure you understand all of the concepts we have learned so far because there is an in-class quiz tomorrow.
  • Mrs. Friedmann said that if you complete the assigned readings, the WebAssigns, and tonight's homework, you are already preparing yourself for the quiz.
  • If you were absent, Mrs. Friedmann will check your Paper Clip Activity answers tomorrow.

A sample of the Paper Clip Activity 

The next scribe post author is: Juliette Ovadia


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