Monday, March 31, 2014

A Farewell and Le Chatelier's Principle

Mr. Jeff Yordy

As Dr. Wegley announced, Mr. Jeff Yordy of the science department passed away over the weekend. He taught biology and led horticulture to many achievements in his past 30 years at GBS. Mrs. Friedmann was very close with him. We all wish the best for his family, friends, and students! 

Le Chatelier's Principle

With regards to the chemistry class, it was a matter of note taking and concept grasping with Le Chatelier's Principle. These notes and 4 handouts will soon be up on the Moodle page somewhere in this resource page. We then moved on to complete the first two worksheets which will also be found in this page.*

*If the notes are not posted by the time you see this, here is a sloppy copy of mine:


Here is the key to the graphs and problems on the first two handout pages we got to in class:

*Finish the 4 handouts given on Le Chatelier's Principle
*Complete the webassign due Tuesday night at 11:59 P.M.

The next blogger will be…(drumroll)…Brandon M.

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