Thursday, March 20, 2014

Ice Day!

To start off class today, Mrs. Friedmann checked in our homework and we went over the homework.( keys are posted). In addition Mrs. Friedmann gave us an OPTIONAL worksheet that will help you with the ice problems. The sheet only functions as extra practice and will not be checked in, but it is recommended you do them to prepare for the test.

Ice, Ice, Baby!
- For the rest of the class Mrs. Friedmann introduced to us the last topic of this section which is: how to solve ice problems. I will not go in depth with the explanations since there is a video posted that goes over a good explanation on how to do the ice problems and there are notes as well. All can be found on the moodle page.

- In addition Mrs. Friedmann has posted the answer key to the review packet and a video that goes with it. It is recommended that you use these tools to study for the test tomorrow.

- STUDY for test tomorrow!!--- good luck

This is what will happen to our brains after the test tomorrow!!!

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