Monday, February 17, 2014


Thermochemistry and Other Long Words
By: Kevin Mihelic

We started class by collecting a valentines day gift from Mrs. Friedmann. This gift was filled with baking soda and vinegar and to inflate it we had to step on it. I had some trouble with this. We picked up 3 sheets. One was a lab, one was a sheet of calculations to do for homework. The homework due on Tuesday is:
  1. Check Fridays homework with key posted on moodle.
  2. WebAssign on heating curves
  3. Finish Calorimetry pre-lab (blue sheet) -- find on moodle
  4. Watch video on Enthalpy video on moodle and take notes.

On this sheet there are two difficult problems. These problems will be discussed in the comment section below this post. Please help even if you have trouble doing it- anything can help.

Fingers crossed for no school tomorrow!!!
Next Blogger is Brandon M.

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