Thursday, May 1, 2014

Acid-Base Titration Lab

     Today we did the titration lab demonstrated by Mrs. Friedman yesterday. Today's NaOH molarity was different than the demonstration and we were to do three trials and remove any results that were obviously deviant from the rest and then find the average molarity. A write-up is not necessary for this lab.

Here is the data for the lab:
Molarity of standard base used: 0.149M

Trial 1: 
HCl volume
  • Initial- 10.4
  • Final- 20.5
  • Used- 10.1
NaOH volume
  • Initial- 0.3
  • Final- 14.2
  • Used- 13.9
Molarity of acid- 2.05

Trial 2:
HCl volume
  • Initial- 27.0
  • Final- 37.0
  • Used- 10.0
NaOH volume
  • Initial- 27.3
  • Final- 41.0
  • Used- 13.7
Molarity of acid- 2.04

My third trial deviated from 1 and 2

The homework is to study for tomorrow's test. There will be a study session at 7 tomorrow.

The next blogger is...
Kevin M.

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