Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Titrations and More!

Tuesday and Wednesday April 29-30 2014

What we did in class (29th):
  • Today in class we finished the indicator lab
  • We went over the things that were due on THURSDAY for the lab
  • Mrs. Friedman showed us an example problem that would have to do with the homework

What is due for the Lab:
  • The Lab is due THURSDAY
  • You need a typed data table, it's not required that the calculated pH's be on the type table
  • You also need a sheet with all of the calculations required
  • You need to do calculations for the following:
  • .001 M HCl
  • .001 M NaOH
  • .001 M Acetic Acid
  • .001 NH4OH
  • .1 M NaCl
  • .1 M Na3PO4
For Extra Credit you could do calculations for .1 M NaHSO3 and .1 M NaHCO3

Other Homework:
  • The last two sheets of the packet on Acids and Bases
  • This includes the two ICE Table questions on Buffers (which are done exactly the same way as common-ion problems) and the last sheet which is a general practice of ICE Tables
  • These sheets are due WEDNESDAY

What we did in class (30th):
  • We went over the last two sheets of the acids and bases packet
  • Mrs. Friedman's computer crashed (condolences)
  • We took notes on Neutralization Reactions and Titrations
Neutralization Reactions:

Acid + Base ---> Salt + Water

Ex. HCl + NaOH ---> NaCl + H2O

For every mole of H+ or H3O there should be one mole of OH to neutralize it = Titration
When you know the concentration of a base, you can find the concentration of the acid using Titration
Equivalence Point: When moles of H+ = moles of OH- = pH of 7
End Point: When the indicator is at it's faintest color possible
Overshoot: When the indicator color is too strong, you passed the end point

Calculation for Concentrations:

# of H's in the formula x Molarity of Acid x Volume of Acid = Molarity of Base x Volume of Base x # of OH-'s in the formula

Homework due Thursday:
  • The lab as mentioned above
  • Two practice problems that are on one of the lab sheets we received today
Next Blogger: Colin Samuels

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