Thursday, October 31, 2013

Solubility Lab

Solubility Lab

Class on October 31 (Halloween)

Written by: Jordan C.

After the class had a short discussion of Shakespearean iambic pentameter, we got down to business.

Remember that soluble means that the ionic bond is weaker than the water bond and therefore remains separated.

Going over the double replacement reactions and solubility lab:

  • Pre-lab Questions: The class did not go over these because they were not assigned.
  • Data: The data did not have to corrected because the rules as to the solubility and insolubility with cations and anions is more important. 
  • Post-lab Questions: Ms. Friedmann gave an example of each of the questions and demonstrated how to find the answer to any of the class's requests. 
Question 1:
  • Although the 2 possibilities for the possible precipitate were required, Ms. Friedmann saw this as an opportunity to demonstrate a balanced molecular equation for:
Combination of: Ba(NO3)2 and Na2SO4. 

Ba(NO3)2(aq) + Na2SO4(aq) ---> BaSO4(s) + 2 NaNO3(aq)
Ba(NO3)2(aq) + Na2SO4(aq) ---> BaSO4(aq) + 2 NaNO3(s)
Question 2: 
  • The demonstration included the combination of Ba(NO3)2 + Na2CO3. She also showed the net ionic and ionic equations for practice. 
Ba(NO3)2(aq) + Na2SO4(aq) ---> BaSO4(s) + 2 NaNO3(aq)

Complete ionic:
Ba^+2(aq) + 2 NO3^-(aq) + 2 Na+(aq) + SO4^-2(aq) --->BaSO4(s) + 2 Na^+2(aq) + 2 NO3

Net ionic:
Ba^+2(aq) + SO4^-2(aq) ---> BaSO4(s)

Question 3:
a) SO4^-2, halides (ions of halogens ) Cl^-, I^-
b) silver cations Ag^+1 and barium cations Ba^+2

Question 4: 
a) CO3^-2 carbonates, OH^- hydroxides, PO4^-3 phosphates
b) potassium cations K^+, sodium ions Na^+1 (THESE ARE ALKALI METAL IONS)

Question 5:
a) Bromine salts would be soluble because it is in the halogen family, and therefore is closely related with the other soluble halogens.

Question 6:
This is one of the most important aspects of the lab. All the information leads up to discovering the rules of solubility with cations and anions. 

Ionic Compounds:
  • Carbonates: insoluble except alkali metals (sodium, potassium)
  • Halides: soluble except silver
  • Hydroxides: insoluble except alkali cations (K^+1)
  • Nitrates: soluble except none :)
  • Phosphates: insoluble except alkali cations
  • Sulfates: soluble except barium (Ba^+2)
  • Alkali Metal salts: soluble except none :)
  • Ammonium salts: soluble except none :)
As class came to a close, we had the opportunity to make bubbles and bounce them off gloves. It was suuuuper fun. 


Thursday, 10/31 Homework

1) Complete the "Solubility Rules and Practice" worksheet (in the Unit 4 Handouts folder).  Due tomorrow.

2) WebAssign 4.2 -- Precipitation Reactions.  Due Sunday night, 11/3, 11:59 pm.

Next Post will be by...

Ambreen A.!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Double Replacement Reactions and Solubility Lab

Scribe: Suvd D.
Tuesday, October 30th, 2013

Complete the post-lab questions for the "Precipitates Lab", posted in the Unit 4 Labs folder.
Note that for question #2 you only have to pick eight of the precipitation reactions and write only molecular equations for them...we will do net ionic equations for them tomorrow.  

Notes on how to write a molecular/complete ionic/net ionic equation are posted in the Unit 4 Notes folder.

These are different examples of equations that Ms. Friedmann gave us in class.

First of all, Ms. Friedmann explained the video on Juliette's blog. She said that it was an exothermic process which means that the process releases heat. The supersaturated solution has lots of free floating ions that if you put in a little bit of crystal , the other ions start sticking onto the crystal. This is what it looks like after:

Here's Juliette's video:

Fun but Dangerous...
You can make your own supersaturated solution!
All you need is baking soda, vinegar and heat! can burn your lungs so be careful.
The formula: NaHCO3 (baking soda) + HCH3COO (vinegar)--> NaCH3COO (aq) +H2CO3

Other announcements:
This quarter, Ms. Friedmann wants us to scribe with a new label "Q2 Name". She also wants us to comment on each other's blogs. Lastly, she doesn't want us to tell who the next scriber / blogger is because she wants everyone to check the blog. But shhh....guys we are going to help each other out?  (Sorry Ms.Friedmann! I am the one that doesn't obey.)

Lastly, these are the lab results:
The lab results
Lab results with labels
Label each square as either PPT or NR.
PPT= Precipitated
NR=No Reaction

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Dissociation and Solvation

Scribe: Juliette Ovadia
Tuesday, October 29th, 2013
Dissociation and Solvation


First, we checked in the Dissociation homework from last night and picked up handouts (the power point notes on solutions and ChemThink LabSim Questions). Then we checked the homework and went over questions. Finally, we watched a sugar and salt simulation and went over the notes. 

Dissociation Homework

When going over this homework, Mrs. Friedmann reminded us that dissociations are "breaking apart" reactions. When the reactant dissolves in water, it breaks apart. She reminded us that the products of dissociations are always aqueous because the solute is, in this case, always dissolved in water and breaks apart in water. When making compounds, one should balance the charges, but when separating compounds, one should balance equations. 

For example, in problem #6, there was one molecule, a crystal, of Rb2SO4, which had two Rb atoms and one SO4. This needs to also be shown in the products, so you add a coefficient of 2 in front of the Rb+. A trick is to take the subscript and turn it into a coefficient. We can imagine the Rb2SO4  as a molecule breaking apart into different pieces even as we understand that ionic compounds do not actually form these types of molecules.

So, Rb2SO4 (s)  à 2 Rb+ (aq)  + SO4-2(aq)


We wanted to understand what was going on when we dissolved a solute in water, which this simulation (an atomic level picture) demonstrated to us.  The simulation showed a salt shaker filled with NaCl, and we “shook” the salt into the water. We all know that if we shake NaCL in water it dissolves (NaCl is a crystal of an Na ion and a Cl ion, but when mixed with water the Na ions and Cl ions separate). We also know that of things that mix with water, some break apart, and some don’t.

The simulation showed lots of H2O molecules, and on the molecules were +s and –s and a greek lower case delta. The delta indicates “partial” charge, and the presence of the delta indicates that O2 has a partial – charge and H2 has a partial + charge.

The simulation then showed us that H2O is a polar molecule, meaning hydrogen is positive and oxygen is negative. The simulation showed that when we dissolve NaCl in water, the +s from the hydrogens wrap around the Cl- and the –s from the oxygens wrap around the Na+. Water surrounds the Na+ and Cl- and pulls them apart and dissociates them, because the ability of the H2O to break the NaCl apart is stronger than the ability of the NaCl to stick together. Other ionic compounds haves +s and –s that have the ability to stick together that is stronger than the ability of H2O to break them apart. H2O with salt conducts electricity because the +'s and –'s solvated and conduct electricity.

The process outlined above is called Solvation.

The second part of the simulation showed sugar dissolved in water. Sugar molecules shake apart from each other when dissolved in water but do not dissociate because they do not break into the small pieces that make them up; rather,  only their molecules break apart. Water solvates molecules but not the molecular bonds because the molecular bonds are stronger than the ability of water to break them apart, which is why sugar in water does not conduct electricity.

Answers to questions during the simulation:

  •  Each granule of sugar is a huge clump of sugar molecules. Moisture results in the crystals sticking together and crystallizing into a lump of sugar, for instance.
  • If one evaporates off the water, a crust of salt would remain because dissociation is physical.
  • You can only tell if the ionic compound is stronger than water’s ability to break it apart by testing, and there is a set of rules about what dissolves called the “Solubility Rules” that one must memorize.
  • Only ionic compounds are strong electrolytes. Electrolyte: a compound that conducts electricity
  • Electrolytes are potassium sodium, calcium and magnesium, and all are ions that perform important jobs in the body. For example, the action potential is when potassium is pushed to one side and chlorine to another to set up a gradient. Electrolytes are necessary to set up gradients in the body!
  • Dissolve: to mix at the molecular level (sugar and water dissolve but do not dissociate, while salt dissolves and dissociates.)
  •   Remember: If dissociates, must dissolve.

Example: Iced Tea

You cannot sweeten iced tea by simply pouring in sugar because the sugar just settles to the bottom. However, if you heat up the tea, the sugar will dissolve and the tea will taste sweet. Then you would cool the tea back to its former cold temperature. The sugar in the cold iced tea is an example of Slight Solubility, and if you heat a slightly soluble solution like iced tea, the heat will get the sugar to completely dissolve.

Slight Solubility: when you shake something into water and it partially dissolves but some does not dissolve, which was also shown in our simulation.

The sugar in iced tea example uses Colligative Properties that explain the way adding a solute changes the properties of the solvent itself.

Sugar in the iced tea that is heated and dissolves and then cooled results in a Supersaturated Solution, which is delicate and can come out of solution very quickly.

This video shows sodium acetate ("Hot Ice"), a supersaturated solution, crystallizing. 

Example: Rock candy is made with supersaturated sugar water


ChemThink Lab Simulation
The assignment is on the right side, under the heading Labs, under the heading Chemical Reactions, under the heading Precipitate Lab.
Complete the lab and the ChemThink LabSim worksheet that was handed out.

The next scribe post author is Suvd D. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Introduction to Unit 4- Solutions & Dissociations

Scribe: Ekene Nwosisi

October 28th 2013

Intro to Solutions & Dissociations 

  • Received 5 handouts 
  • Turned in Micro Mole Rockets Question Sheet that was for HW over the weekend
  • Went over Unit 3 Test
  • Mini-Experiment (Intro to Electrolytes): 
    • Hypothesis: Do all water solutions actually conduct electricity?
  • Unit 4 Big Ideas Notes
  • Dissociations


We received 5 handouts today, which are currently not on Moodle right now (6:00 pm), however, we only got to start one worksheet titled Dissociations (this topic will be further explained below).

Next, we turned in the Micro Mole Rockets Lab Sheet. If you were absent, make sure you turn it in tomorrow.

Unit 3 Test 
  • Unfortunately, our class test score average on this test weren't the greatest, as they required deeper thinking and application. However, remember what Ms. Friedmann said last week, it's not the grade that's important, it's how capable we are to handle a challenge that comes at us and know what it takes to solve that problem! 
  • Ms. Friedmann then went over the test questions that were confusing to the class


"What happens when you're at the pool and you see lightning?" Ms. Friedmann asked us. 
The obvious answer to us was to get out because water conducts electricity.

After this, Ms. Friedmann got out a conductivity tester (picture below). She then filled a beaker with water and placed it under the conductivity tester hoping that the light bulb would turn on so that it would prove our hypothesis.

The water was placed under the tester, and to our surprise, the light bulb stayed off. 

Next, Mrs. Friedmann filled another beaker with water that was thoroughly mixed with salt. Once placed under the conductivity tester, the light bulb ignited!

She then tested a beaker filled with water mixed with sugar. Because we were all in the mindset that solutions conducted electricity, we were surprised that the sugar water did not light up the light bulb.

Table Salt (NaCl) mixed
 water conducts electricity
  • Explanation of Results
    • Can put things in water that can make it conduct electricity (ex: salt)
    • The reason that salt, and not sugar, can conduct electricity once mixed with water, is because salt is broken apart in the mixture. The broken apart salt pieces conduct electricity when mixed with water. Sugar, while it can mix with water, does not break apart, and therefore cannot conduct electricity. 
    • To further our explanation on this topic, we took notes in our notebooks labeled  "Unit 4 Big Ideas"

Unit 4 Big Ideas Notes:
  1. Some things mix with water and some don't
  2. Some of the things that mix with water break apart and some don't
  3. Breaking apart is called DISSOCIATION 
  4. Most things that break apart make it so water can conduct electricity
  5. PRECIPITATION reactions happen because something new is made that does not break apart
  6. *There are lots of ways to measure and calculate how much stuff is in the water doing the reaction             *(This is the torture part of this unit)

We learned that...
  • Dissociations are "breaking apart" reactions
  • Physical, not a chemical process
  • Only involves ionic compounds
I don't believe that the Dissociations handout we received in class is on Moodle yet, and to those of you that were absent, it is for HW tonight, so the best I can do is put the questions on here, and you can copy them onto your lab notebooks:

Important Notes:
  • Break apart ionic compounds as shown in examples 1, 2, 5
  • Put the charges of each cation and anion
  • Balance equation (look at #5 as an example)

  1. NaCl(s)→ Na+(aq)   +   Cl-(aq)
  2. KNO3 (s) → K+(aq)     +   NO3- (aq)
  3. MgSO4(s)
  4. AgNO3(s)
  5. FeCl3(s)→  Fe3+ (aq)    +  Cl3  (is incorrect b/c no such thing as Cl3) 3Cl1-(aq)
  6. Rb2SO4(s)
  7. Zn(CH3COO)2(s)
  8. (NH4)2CO3(s)
  9. Al(NO3)3(s)
  10. MgCrO4(s)
  11. Dissolve potassium hydrocarbonate
  12. Dissolve barium acetate
  13. Dissolve copper (II) sulfate
  14. Dissolve lithium phosphate
    15.  → Pb2+(aq)    +   NO31-


Complete Dissociations worksheet in lab notebooks

Next Scribe:

Juliette Ovadia

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Stoichiometry, Percent Yield, Micro Mole Rockets Lab

10/22/13-10/25/13 Scribe Post Author: Serene P

Tuesday, October 22

Today in class, we begun class by checking over our Stoichiometry #4 Partner Quizzes. The last question was a thinking problem that caused a little confusion. Ms. Friedmann then performed a demonstration to help us better understand this question.
We learned that the excess reactant of a reaction will not only contribute to the resulting products but will also retain its chemical identity as another product in its excess.
For a further extension on this type of problem by Kevin M's request, Ms. Friedmann then provided us with another limiting reactants problem that involved some thinking.

Here was the problem:
15.0 g of lead(II) nitrate reacts with 10.0 g of potassium iodide.
1. Which reactant is the limiting one?
2. How many grams of lead(II) iodide will be made?
3. How many grams of all four chemicals will be left in the container when the reaction is over?
4. How much of the excess reactant will be left over?

Here are the answers:
15.0 g Pb(NO3)2 x 1 mole Pb(NO3)2 x 1 mole PbI2         x 461.00g PbI2      = 20.9g PbI2
                             331.22g Pb(NO3)2 1 mole Pb(NO3)2   1 mole of PbI2

10.0g KI x 1 mole KI x 1 mole PbI2 x 461.00g PbI2     = 13.9g PbI2
                166.00gKI    2 mole KI       1 mole PbI2    

Since 13.9g PbI2 is the smaller amount, KI must be the limiting reactant.

The reaction will stop when the KI is used up, so 13.9g PbI2 will be made.

Since KI is the limiting reactant, you can use that to figure out how many grams of Pb(NO3)2 will react and how many grams of KNO3 will be made.

10.0 g KI x 1 mole KI x 1 mole Pb(NO3)2 x 331.22g Pb(NO3)2  = 9.98g Pb(NO3)2 will be used up.
                166.00g KI   2 moles KI             1 mole Pb(NO3)2     

Since 15.0g Pb(NO3)2 were present at the beginning, 15.0g - 9.98g= 5.02g will be left.

10.0g KI x 1 mole KI x 2 moles KNO3 x 101.11g KNO3  = 6.09g KNO3 made
               166.00g KI   2 moles KI          1 mole KNO3  
Pb(NO3)2 + 2KI → PbI2 + 2KNO3

Pb(NO3)2 : 5.02g of excess will be left.

2KI : 0g left because this was limiting. It all gets used up.

PbI2 : 13.9g will be made.

2KNO3  : 6.09g will be made.

15.0g - 9.98g = 5.02g Pb(NO3)2 will be left.

After working on this problem, Ms. Friedmann taught us the concept of Percent Yield.
Here are the notes:

What is percent yield?
Amount of product that you calculate you
should get from a reaction “in theory”

Amount of product that a real chemist gets when they ACTUALLY do the reaction in the lab. : ACTUAL YIELD

Percent Yield = actual yield / theoretical yield x 100 = % yield


NaOH + HCl  → H2O + NaCl salt  
5g           5g                      

What is the limiting reactant? Use it to find how much NaCl (I should make. Theoretical.)

*Suppose I should get 8.47g NaCl (8.47 was a made up number because the real calculation was not done)
*I actually get 7.14g NaCl

7.14g  x 100 = 84.3% yield NaCl

Homework: Study for Unit 3 Test!

Wednesday, October 23

There was a study session beginning at 7 am today in our classroom led by Ms. Friedmann. The Unit 3 Review packet key and uploaded video were posted on moodle. In class, we took the Unit 3 exam for the whole period. Aside from that, it was Mole Day! Showing great spirit, Ms. Friedmann was dressed up in a mole costume during the study session!

Thursday, October 24

To start class, Ms. Friedmann gave us a talk that failing is a necessary step in succeeding. Experiencing hard problems will help us be better prepared for future science courses and college. She said that the Unit 3 exams will be returned on Monday, and they will be part of quarter 1’s grades.

Next, Ms. Friedmann explained the next fun lab we were to do. It was termed Micro Mole Rockets Lab.
The purpose of this experiment was to generate hydrogen and oxygen and determine the optimum ratio for their combustion reaction to give water. The optimum ratio will be used to calculate the mole ratio for the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen in a balanced chemical equation. The goal is to find the most ‘powerful’ gas mixture and use it to launch a rocket across the room! We will be comparing the distances collected by each group to see who launched it the farthest.
The hydrogen gas is generated in this lab by the reaction of zinc metal and hydrochloric acid. Yeast will be used to catalyze the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide and generate oxygen gas. We will be using different ratios of hydrogen and oxygen to see which gas mixtures will produce the best ratio. We will conduct a ‘Pop test’ and judge each reaction by the loudness of the produced sound.
Today, we only did the first half of the lab. We did the “Calibrate Gas Collection Bulbs’ and ‘Collect and Test Hydrogen and Oxygen Gases’ portions of the lab packet.
In the “Calibrate Gas Collection Bulbs’ portion, we immersed the cut-off pipet bulb underwater in the 1000-ml beaker. We then squeezed the water out into an empty graduated cylinder to measure the total volume of water in the bulb. We found the total volume to be 6.1 mL. Then, we refilled the pipet bulb and squeezed out half of the total volume into an empty graduated cylinder. We then used a permanent marker to mark the water-level on the side of the bulb. Then, we divided each half into three equal parts.
For the ‘Collect and Test Hydrogen and Oxygen Gases’ portion of the lab, we added 3 M hydrochloric acid to the mossy zinc in one of the hydrogen gas generators. We then capped the tube with the gas delivery stopper. After that, we then added 3% hydrogen peroxide to the yeast suspension in one of the oxygen gas. Then, we capped the generator.
Soon, we cleaned up and continued this lab the next day.
Homework: Complete the prelab questions of this lab.

Friday, October 25

Today, Ms. Friedmann didn’t check in our homework. We went straight to completing the rest of our lab with our partners. We did the ‘Collect and Test Oxygen/Hydrogen Gas Mixtures’ and ‘Rocket Launches’ sections of the lab.
For the ‘Collect and Test Oxygen/Hydrogen Gas Mixtures’ portion, we followed certain steps. First, we filled the pipet bulb with water and placed it over the oxygen gas generator to collect oxygen. Then, depending on what ratio you were testing between oxygen and hydrogen gas, you would remove the pipet from the oxygen tube and place it over the hydrogen tube at a time when a specific amount of water was released from the tube. For example, if you were finding the 1:5 ratio of oxygen and hydrogen, you would quickly remove the bulb from the oxygen tube when the bulb was one-sixth full of gas and place it over the hydrogen gas generator. Then, you would continue collecting hydrogen until the bulb was filled with gas. Then. you should remove the bulb, cap it with a finger, and determine the relative loudness in the ‘poptest.’ You can scale the loudness between 0 to 10. (0=least reactive, 10=most explosive). You always have to collect oxygen first, followed by hydrogen. Then, you must record all results in the data table. After the 1:5 ratio, you should test the other volume ratios of 2:4, 3:3, 4:2, and 5:1.

For the ‘Rocket Launches’ portion of the lab, you should have collected the loudest gas mixture one more time and place the bulb on a rocket launch pad. Then, you were able to ignite it with a piezo sparker to see how far the micro mole rocket would travel. After this trial, you were to collect your best mixture again. Then, you should have left about 1 ml of water in the bulb and launch the micro mole rocket again.
When everyone completed their rocket launch, we entered our recorded distances onto the online spreadsheet, so we could compare who launch their rockets the farthest.

For the lab data, here is what my group collected:
Data Table

“Pop-test” Properties of H2 Gas alone
“Pop-test” Properties of O2 Gas alone

Pop-test Properties of O2: H2 Gas Mixtures

Oxygen:Hydrogen Mole Ratio
Pop Test Results

Observations and Notes:
*Scale from 0 to 10
*Our 4:2 ratio seemed to be the best ratio of hydrogen and oxygen.
-When we launched this, it traveled 16 feet(for our group)
*Prior to any water being inserted, the hydrogen gas generator seemed to have been reacting intensely. There was a lot of motion and activity that seemed to have been occurring within the container.
*Prior to any water being inserted, the oxygen gas generator was more passive than the hydrogen gas generator. However, some bubbles were still forming at the top of the substance in the container.
*Our 5:1 ratio was the least reactive mixture.

In our class, the distances traveled by the rockets ranged from 16 feet to 26 feet. After some calculations, I figured that our class average was 23 feet for the distances traveled by our rockets.
According to our rocket lab data for the distances traveled by the rockets, there were two teams who tied for having the greatest distance. With a distance of 26 ft, Pam & Georgia and Elayna & Jordan had the longest distances. Great job!

After cleaning up our stations, we completed this activity. Here is a video I found on Youtube that may help you better understand what we did for this lab. It’s a clip of two students from another school performing the same lab similarly. They explain their every step as they complete the lab.
Homework: Complete Lab Packet

This concludes this post. I apologize if combining several days of work into one blog caused any inconveniences for anyone.

The next scribe post author is  Ekene N.