Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Double Replacement Reactions and Solubility Lab

Scribe: Suvd D.
Tuesday, October 30th, 2013

Complete the post-lab questions for the "Precipitates Lab", posted in the Unit 4 Labs folder.
Note that for question #2 you only have to pick eight of the precipitation reactions and write only molecular equations for them...we will do net ionic equations for them tomorrow.  

Notes on how to write a molecular/complete ionic/net ionic equation are posted in the Unit 4 Notes folder.

These are different examples of equations that Ms. Friedmann gave us in class.

First of all, Ms. Friedmann explained the video on Juliette's blog. She said that it was an exothermic process which means that the process releases heat. The supersaturated solution has lots of free floating ions that if you put in a little bit of crystal , the other ions start sticking onto the crystal. This is what it looks like after:

Here's Juliette's video:

Fun but Dangerous...
You can make your own supersaturated solution!
All you need is baking soda, vinegar and heat! can burn your lungs so be careful.
The formula: NaHCO3 (baking soda) + HCH3COO (vinegar)--> NaCH3COO (aq) +H2CO3

Other announcements:
This quarter, Ms. Friedmann wants us to scribe with a new label "Q2 Name". She also wants us to comment on each other's blogs. Lastly, she doesn't want us to tell who the next scriber / blogger is because she wants everyone to check the blog. But shhh....guys we are going to help each other out?  (Sorry Ms.Friedmann! I am the one that doesn't obey.)

Lastly, these are the lab results:
The lab results
Lab results with labels
Label each square as either PPT or NR.
PPT= Precipitated
NR=No Reaction


  1. I love your Sponge Bob Square Pants video! It was a great touch. Also, great job describing all that we did in class yesterday. I loved how you found that supersaturated home project we can do.

  2. Suvd, what a smart way to show the notes we did today! A screenshot is really effective because people who were absent may not know which link to click on on Moodle. I'll think of doing that next time :)

  3. Suvd, I really like the images. They well remind us of what we learned in class and further enhances your post. Great work!

  4. I love the spongebob video, it actually helped!
