Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Heat Curves and Phase Changes


To start off class today Mrs. Friedmann told us what we needed to do for our lab write up that is due Friday.  Here's what you'll need to do:

  1. Title
  2. Purpose
  3. Data
  4. Post Lab Questions
              - Write out each question
   5. Conclusion

After, she told us how to do the lab calculations.  For example, if the hot metal bar was 100 degrees Celsius, and the cool water was 23 degrees Celsius and we placed the metal bar in the water, the temperature of the water would decrease and the temperature of the water would increase until they both reached the same temperature.  The heat from the metal bat went into the water, therefore, the heat lost by metal is equal to the heat gained by water.  Using this, we can say that:

                      q=m*c*change in T = m*c*change in T=q

                                (metal)                 (water)

So that means the q metal= q water

That must mean...

                              m*c*change in T= m*c*change in T
                                      (metal)               (water)

Now all that's left to do is plug in your numbers and solve for c!

Next, we went over the homework from last night.  You can find this under Unit 8 Keys.  One of the problems is a type of problem like the one above.

After that, we started to take some notes on Heat Curves.  You can find these under Unit 8 Notes.

The homework tonight is the two worksheets on Phase Changes, these can be found under Unit 8 handouts.

The next blogger is... Grace K.

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