Sunday, February 2, 2014

Bond Polarity

The first thing we did in class was go over homework.
Then, most of class time was spent on a partner quiz.

Lastly, we went over some notes on polarity:

There are 2 kinds of polarity

  • Bond Polarity
    • The electronegativity difference between two atoms
    • 0.0-0.4= non polar 0.4-1.7=polar 1.7-infinity=ionic
    • Example: ẟ- (partial negative) N <--+ C ẟ+
                                                                      3.0   -    2.5= .5

    • The arrow denotes the more electronegative side, while the plus sign indicates the positive side.
  • Molecule polarity:
    • Will be discussed in webassigns due Sunday night
Homework: Webassigns due sunday

Next blogger: Chris H

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