Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Beverage Density Lab

Post by: Kevin G
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Homework review
First we went over the homework worksheets we received monday. The empty worksheets and the answer keys can be found in the 'handouts' and 'keys' folder, under '9.9 density practice ws' and '9.10 HW' respectively.

Answers and explanations of the Web Assign bonus problem, and the gold leaf problem in the homework are also in the 'keys' folder.
 'Beverage Density Lab.'
The instructions(1), and the empty data tables(2), (they are two separate documents) can be found in the 'lab' folder on Moodle.

Notes about cleaning up
-Clean, rinse, and dry the equipment and work station
-Line up everything neatly
-Throw away used paper towels in main, large, garbage can                        
*** Do not forget to clean and organize the table with the class lab materials on it! ***

Data from the lab

Data Table A : Density of Reference Solutions

Mass (g)
Sample volume (mL)
Density (g/mL)
0% sugar
9.60 g
10.00 mL
5% sugar
9.74 g
10.00 mL
10% sugar
9.95 g
10.00 mL
15% sugar
10.07 g
10.00 mL
20% sugar
10.23 g
10.00 mL

Data Table B : Beverage Densities

Mass (g)
Sample Volume (mL)
Density (g/mL)
9.85 g
10.00 mL
Apple Juice
10.06 g
10.00 mL

Some of the options we could have had for the Beverage Samples... which one has the highest density of sugar?

 Next scribe: me!

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