Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Hey, Period 5. 
Guess what day it is!!!

So back to the best part...Education!

In Class:

Today, as we walked into the classroom, we picked up four worksheets. These worksheets can be found on Moodle in the Unit 2 section under Unit 2 Handouts! Mrs. Friedmann checked the homework from the previous night (the Holy Atom, Batman! worksheet, the mini atomic structure worksheet, and our notes on atomic structure, ions, and isotopes from ChemThink). Something Mrs. Friedmann talked a little about was that it's fine to "walk away" if there's something that just frustrates you on an assignment. After, Mrs. Friedmann had us grab a buddy or two and work on the first worksheet. We worked a little on how to calculate the average atomic mass of isotopes as well. 

Here is a video if you are still struggling with calculating average atomic masses :)
This video contains 3 isotopes and we only practiced with 2, but it's the same concept!


In the beginning of the year, we talked a little about how there are two categories under matter:

  • Mixtures
  • Pure Substances

Pure Substances also split into two categories:

Pure Substances
  • Elements 
  • Compounds

In class today, we discussed compounds in more detail. There are two types of compounds:
  • Ionic
  • Molecular (aka Covalent)

We didn't really talk about molecular compounds today, but we managed to talk about the two kinds of ionic compounds:
  • Cation ("CAT"-ion)
    • positively charged
    • goes first
    • usually metal; except NH₄⁺
  • Anion ("ANT"-ion)
    • negatively charged
    • goes second
    • always metal; except NH₄⁺

A Binary Ionic Compounds consists of one cation and one anion.
To form these compounds, the charges must cancel out.

Ex: Potassium & Fluorine
K⁺¹ F⁻¹

These elements will form a compound called KF. This is because their charges cancel out to equal 0.

We did not finish the notes in class. This is where we ended :)


Finish the four WebAssigns by tomorrow night before 11:59 p.m.!
The four WebAssigns are the following:
  • Atomic Structure
  • Rdg - The Atom
  • Periodic Table
  • Rdg - The Periodic Table
Mrs. Friedmann was generous enough to give us a break from Chem tonight so be sure to thank her!

Our next scribe shall be......Grace K.!

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