Monday, September 9, 2013

Density Notes and Prelab Answers

Notes 9/9/13
Scribe Author: Georgia A

Intensive Properties vs. Extensive Properties 

Intensive Properties

  • Do NOT depend on how much you have 
  • DOES depend on what the substance is 
(Ex: Density, Solubility) 

Extensive Properties 
  • DO depend on how much you have 
  • Does NOT depend on what it is 
(Ex: Mass, Volume) 

    Density =   __Mass__ (extensive)    unit = grams 
(Intensive)       Volume   (extensive)    unit = mL

*Density is a derived unit = grams/mL

Help With Calculations.....

M (Mass) = D x V
D (Density) = M / V
V (Volume) = M / D


Density = M / V

In the lab, we will not measure density directly. We will measure.......


  • Find using a balance (digital scale) 

  • Find 2 different ways
1. Regular objects 
      length x width x height 
  * 1㎤ = 1mL

2. Irregular Object 
       Use water displacement 

Ending Volume - Starting Volume = Volume of the object

A Few Extra Tips.....

  • Density is a physical property 
  • Water has a density of 1g/mL  (same as 1g/㎤)
  • Less dense things float on top of more dense things 

Beverage Lab Prelab Questions

1.  3 sig figs 

2. 12.53 g     = 1.52 g/mL
    8.27 mL

3.         49 g (sugar)                           d= 1.043 g/mL
     355 mL (beverage)                     % sugar concentration 
                                                            (g sugar / g beverage) x 100 
Turn this into grams and use 
density to do it! 
M = D x V
M = 1.043 g/mL x 355mL         _ 49g  sugar           x100   =    13%
M = 370 g beverage                  370 g beverage 

next scribe post author: Kevin G. 

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