Monday, September 23, 2013

Naming Covalent Compounds/Acids and the Periodic Table

Naming Covalent Compounds/Acids and the Periodic Table
Scribe: Grace Kilpatrick
Date: September 20, 2013

The main purpose for today´s lesson was to learn how to name covalent compounds and acids, as well as studying the organization of the Periodic Table.

Here is what we did in class today!

We first took notes on Naming Covalent Compounds. These notes can found in the Unit 2 Notes folder. Some important ideas include:

  • Prefixes indicate the number of atoms present for each molecule. These prefixes are..  mono- one, di- two, tri- 3, tetra- 4, penta- 5, hexa- 6, hepta- 7, octa- 8, nona- 9, deka-10. 
  • Covalent bonds are bonds are between two non metals and are also known as molecular bonds.
  • The rule for naming covalent compounds is to say the name of the first element and its prefix, then the 2nd element with its prefex. End in ¨ide¨. Never use mono to say there is one of the first element at the beginning of the formula.
We then also took notes on Naming Acids. These notes can be found in the Unit 2 Notes folder. Some important ideas include:

  • An acid compound must start with ¨H¨. 
  • If an acid does contain oxygen and an anions that ends with ¨ate¨, the ending of the acid is changed to -ic. (Remember if you ate something gross, you would say it is ¨icky¨!) If an anion ends with -ite, the ending of the acid is changed to -ous.
We also took notes on the periodic table. These can be found in the Unit 2 Notes folder as well. Some important notes include:
  • The major groups of the periodic table are alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, transition metals, halogens, noble gases, and lanthanides/actinides. 
  • The group and element falls under allows us to draw conclusions about the ions it forms, as well as its reactivity. 
Need further explanation on the periodic table? This is a great review video!

Today in class, we picked up the following three worksheets:
  • Names and Formulas of Ionic Compounds
  • Classification of Elements
  • Naming Practice Covalents 
These can be found in the Unit 2 Handouts folder and should be completed for homework. 


1) There will be a quiz on Monday on all the material we have learned this week (everything since our last unit test, including this weekend´s homework).

2) Three worksheets: ¨Names and Formulas of Ionic Compounds¨, ¨Classification of Elements¨ and ¨Naming Practice Covalents¨ (in the Unit 2 Handouts folder).

3) Three ChemThink tutorials and question sets: ¨Ionic Bonding¨, ¨Ionic Formulas¨, and ¨Covalent Bonding¨. Take notes on the tutorials to show me on Monday; one page in your journal should be enough space for all three sets of notes! The ChemThinks are due by 11:59 on Sunday night. 

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